The Great Yorkshire Show is the perfect place to find out what makes the region's food and drink so special.

Visitors can ask the producers themselves by visiting the Meet The Farmer area of the Food Hall.

Every year, the Yorkshire Agricultural Society hosts Meet The Farmer to promote the compelling story of great Yorkshire food production.

The society teams up with local farming families and food and drink producers who are passionate about what they do and how they do it.

Facts about Yorkshire – an agricultural powerhouse?

  • The region’s farming output is worth £2.8bn a year;
  • Almost 32,000 people work in farming across Yorkshire;
  • The region is a major player in UK agriculture’s success story. For example, almost a fifth of all potatoes grown in England are grown in Yorkshire, and some 38 per cent of all pigs in England are on Yorkshire farms.
  • UK farming systems are some of the most sustainable in the world. Beef has a 50 per cent lower, pork eight per cent lower and milk 46 per cent lower carbon footprint than the global average. (source: Defra/AHDB)

This is a chance to ask farmers about how they produce delicious, nutritious food and drink from raw ingredients that are grown and reared on carefully managed Yorkshire farms to the highest welfare and production standards.

Joining farmers and growers will be members of the Fix Our Food programme based at the University of York who will be showcasing vertical urban farming, including in virtual reality, as well as highlighting their other activities focused on the Yorkshire food system.