Glyphosate has had European authorisation renewed for the next ten years.

The European decision to renew authorisation for the important plant protection product (PPP) has been welcomed by UK industry bodies.

The Health and Safety Executive has yet to begin the reauthorisation process for GB, but the NFU has already started building its case for reauthorisation.

This week, the European Commission adopted a regulation renewing the approval of glyphosate from December 16, 2023, until December 15, 2033. However, the regulation introduces new requirements on the product’s use including its use as a desiccant pre-harvest.

For farmers in northern England and Scotland, where harvest time often coincides with unpredictable weather, the use of glyphosate at this time is important in securing weed-free, healthy crops of cereals and oilseeds.

NFU Scotland’s Combinable Crops Committee chair, Willie Thomson, who farms at Longniddry in East Lothian said: “NFU Scotland has been involved in a long-running campaign highlighting the importance and benefits of using glyphosate as a crucial tool in producing safe and healthy crops in Scotland.

“We are delighted that science-led evidence has driven the debate at a European level and that the product has been reauthorised for ten years. We will now work with other unions and stakeholders to seek a similar authorisation here in the UK.

“We will look to build a robust case, using evidence and case studies from our members, on the need to have glyphosate available for use, but also the need for it to be available for pre-harvest use, if required.

“Reauthorisation of glyphosate would also be hugely beneficial as we move to a lower carbon model of farming as it is a vital tool in the success of reduced tillage systems."