Plans have been submitted to relocate a farmhouse and buildings over noise complaints.

The owners of Elmwood Farm, in Walton, Wakefield, want to build modern agricultural buildings further away from the village to prevent conflict with local residents.

A report says parked cars have caused problems for lorries and farming vehicles gaining access to the site on Oakenshaw Lane.

The business has also had to scale back its livestock rearing due an increase in complaints from neighbours.

The 390 hectare farm is used for both arable and livestock farming.

The Northern Farmer: Elmwood Farm, Oakenshaw Lane, Walton.

It is owned by Pilkington Farms Partnership and operated by a tenant farmer.

A report submitted to Wakefield Council on behalf of the company says: “Operating the farm in its current location within Walton village has become increasingly problematic.

“Accessing the existing farmstead with HGVs collecting grain, delivering fertiliser and delivering machinery has become virtually impossible due to parked cars obstructing the required turning circle.

“Similar problems are encountered when trying to access the site with tractors and trailers during harvest.”

The Northern Farmer: Elmwood Farm, Oakenshaw Lane, Walton.

The document adds: “Complaints are regularly received about noise from agricultural machinery associated with general farming operations, especially during harvest time when the business operates late into the night and has a mobile grain dryer running.”

The plan includes a new farmhouse and buildings including a cattle shed and grain store.

The new properties would be about 400m away from houses in the village and accessed from Common Lane.

Some of the current buildings, including Elmwood House, are Grade II listed but described as “small and inefficient”.

The report adds: “The landlords and tenant have come to an agreement that the landlords will invest in the development of a modern farmstead in order to relocate the farming operations at Elmwood Farm, following which the tenant will surrender the tenancy agreement on the existing farmhouse and buildings.”

The Northern Farmer: The farmhouse at Elmwood Farm, Walton, Wakefield, dates back to to the late 18th Century

The owners intend to submit further planning applications to refurbish and change the use of the existing buildings, which date back to the late 1700s.

The proposal has received one comment of support since it was submitted last week.

A resident said: “Where the farm is now is the most difficult to pass/heavily congested place in Walton.

“Relocating the farm will help relieve some of the traffic and parked vehicles from Oakenshaw Lane which is a great thing.”